Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Question Bank for Test on Africa

20. Neo-Malthusians believe that the Malthus thesis means

A the world is more frightening than before because there are more stage two countries now

B. the transferability of medical technology is morally wrong

C. The gap between people and resources is closing

D. Contrary to popular belief food resources are have not increased since the 1800s

E all of the above.

21. Thomas Malthus concluded that

A population increased geometrically while population increased arithmetically

B the world's rate of population increase was higher than food production

C moral restraint and higher wages could produce lower NIR's

D population growth was inevitably going to end in war or famine every time

E All of the above

22. One important feature of the world's population that is most likely going to have the most important future implications

A It is increasing at a slower pace

B there are more people alive today than ever before

C the most rapid growth is in the less developed countries

D people are uniformly distributed across the globe

E many countries now have negative population growth increase rates

24. Geographers define overpopulation as

A too many people in the world

B too many people in a region

C too many people to best use the resources

D too many people for the resources to be used in a sustainable manner

E None of the above

30. Quality government education for all has the same effect as economic development in that

A it increases the wealth of a country

B it increases the countries Gross Domestic Product

C it lowers the total fertility rate

D it increases the likelihood of women's rights along with lowering fertility rates

E Both C and D

36. The epidemiological transition refers to how

A in stage one plagues are the main cause of death

B in stage two pandemics occur

C in stage three there is an increase in diseases such as heart attacks and cancers

D in stage four cancers and heart attacks get pushed back to even older ages of people

E B,C and D

48. The principal reason Rwanda had a decrease in its natural increase rate in the mid 1990s was because of

A the country's growth and development

B the declining CDR

C the in increasing CBR

D the increasing CDR

E both A and D

51. What is TFR

A The total number of children within a nuclear family

B The total number of children averaged out per lifetime

C # of kids the average woman has in her lifetime

D the number of children that survive through the first year of infancy

E roughly the same as the infant mortality rate

52. Roughly what was the TFR in Rwanda around the time of the genocide

A 8 B 2 years

C 3 months D less than the infant mortality rate

E negative

57. What is Infant mortality rate

A # of children that die each year

B # of kids that die by age 1

C # of infants that die

D Usually measured by number of children within a thousand

E Both a and d

58. What is a J curve and how does it relate to population growth

A relates to the population decline of stage 4 countries

B relates to the stabilization of populations as they go from three to four

C relates to the population explosion that is ongoing

D does not relate to population but only to the NIR

E None of the above

59. LDC countries

A have a bulge in the bottom of their population bases

B have a median age of around 19 to 24

C could have a lifespan of around 63

D have the highest death rates

E all of the above

22) A global religion

A) is based on the physical characteristics of a particular location on Earth.

B) rarely appeals to people living in LDCs.

C) is rarely transmitted through missionaries.

D) is intentionally developed to be a world religion.

E) is not regionally isolated

Sides of a pyramid

What a stage 2 pyramid looks like and why

Demographic Trap

sub-Saharan Africa

Effects of the Sahara desert

Dependency ratio and African countries

Diseases and stage two countries

GGS and Africa

-ways in which it was held back

-how it applies against Africa

-how farming leads to innovation / chart

Slave Trade in Africa





-core-periphery model

-raw materials

-primary industries

-secondary industries

-trade pattern of the slave trade

-where the slaves went - major destinations

-where they were taken from Africa


-scramble for Africa

-rail lines and why


-Berlin Conference

-nature of the borders within Africa

-reasons for colonization

-how it will lead to WWI

-how industry relates to it

-how this relates to the core periphery model

-renewable and non-renewable materials

-use of tricks to get their way

-Belgium and Rwanda

-racism and colonization (white man's burden and Social Darwinism)

-major cultural influences on Africa and how we know (language, religion, local)

-Ivory Coast


-Nigeria population, divisions

-J curve population growth

-extended families in Nigeria

-fill in parts of GGS chart

-Number one country for territory in Africa

-who owned the Congo and Rwanda

-Who owned Nigeria and South Africa

-What two countries managed to stay independent

-folk culture and how does it relate to Africa

-Africa is the least urban area on the planet

-Major countries involved in Africa

-Who was at the Berlin Conference

1 one in six Africans is from

a Nigeria

b Sudan

c South Africa

d Egypt

e Below the Sahara desert

2. Swahili is a mixture of

a African and European languages

b African languages

c African languages and Arabic

d African and European languages and Arabic

e none of the above

3. The Sahara

a runs mainly north and south
b is roughly the size of the U.S.

c uncrossable

d isolated sub-Saharan Africa

e both d and b

4. In terms of farmers

a MDCs have less than one percent

b LDCs have around fifty percent

c MDCs have around five percent

d LDCs have around eighty percent

e both c and b

5. T/F Rivers with waterfalls and diseases kept Europeans from exploring Africa until the 1920s

6. The old and the young people versus the workers is measured by the

a demographic transition

b epidemiological transition

c dependency ratio

d transition ratio

e none of the above

7. After the slave trade

a life returned to normal in western Africa

b the dependency ratio did not look good

c men outnumbered the women who died during the trip to Africa

d women outnumbered the men

e both b and d

8. The plant that gives the most calories per acre

a potato

b corn

c spinach

d wheat

e pumpkin

9. Soldiers in the Congo proved they had killed Africans by bringing back

a hands

b feet

c tounges

d heads

e all of the above

10. Nigeria has

a 200 tribes, 2 languages and 3 religions

b 2 tribes, 200 languages and 3 religions

c 3 tribes, 200 languages and 2 religions

d 200 tribes, 3 languages, and 2 religions

e none of the above

11. Which animal causes the most zookeeper accidents

a tiger

b lion

c rhino

d zebra

e hippo

12. (T/F) Most African countries have as their official languae a European language

13. The Belgians separated the Hutu from the Tutsi and

a believed the Hutu were more European by the shape of their noses and brows

b created an identification system so that the Hutu could kill the Tutsi

c used the Hutu to control the Tutsi minority

d all of the above

e none of the above

14. Most of the killing in Rwanda's genocide of 1995 was done by the

a interwhame

b Hutu military

c Tutsi RPF army

d The U.N. troops

e no killing took place

15. All of the following is true except

a Rwanda's problems can be blamed in part because of its physiological density

b a Rwanda's problems can be blamed in part because of its agricultural density

c the Hutu president's plane was shot down

d The French sold weapons to the Hutu

e the United States jammed the Hutu radio stations

16. T/F The biggest religions in Africa are Christianity and Islam

17. According to the migration transition

a people in stage two and three countries migrate elsewhere

b stage 4 countries should take people in because they are losing population or staying stable

c most people that migrate are leaving stage one countries

d both a and b

e none of the above

18. Which is true

a stage two countries are in sub-saharan Africa, stage three in Asia and Latin America and stage 4 in Europe Japan and America

b stage two countries are in Latin America, stage three in Africa and Asia and stage 4 in Europe Japan and America

c stage two countries are in sub-saharan Africa, stage three in Europe and Latin America and stage 4 in Asia and America

d a stage one countries are in sub-saharan Africa, stage three in Asia and Latin America and stage 4 in Europe Japan and America

e none of the above

19. How many countries in Africa did not get colonized

a 1

b 0

c 2

d 5

e 20

20. According to the epidemiological transtion

a the worst epidemics occur in stages 2

b people in stage 4 die of heart attacks and strokes

c stage 1 could not have major epidemics because there were not enough people

d all of the above

e none

21. Malthus believed that

a population growth was slower than food production growth

b population growth was faster than food production growth

c population growth equalled food production growth

d none

22. According to the core periphery model

a colonization began the core and periphery model

b the core countries have more of the better jobs than the periphery

c core countries control the investment and companies that employ people in the periphery

d core countries make more money than the periphery

e all of the above

23. Nation means

a country

b a bordered political unit

c a state with boundaries

d a set group of people with a state that they alone live in

e none of the above

24. The area of the world with the most nation-states is

a Europe

b Africa

c Asia

d Americas

e nowhere

25. In order to mutate a disease requires

a a large host population

b transmission to a variety of hosts to increase the time it has

c time

d a genetic change

e all of the above

26. Most African countries below the Sahara are in what stage of the demo trans

a 1

b 2

c 3

d 4

27. Subsistence farming means you farm

a enough to live

b enough to feed your village

c enough for your country to develop

d you live in an advanced country

e none

28. The core areas of the world are

a Japan China and India

b Europe Middle East and Eastern Europe

c Japan, the U.S and Europe

d the U.S. Europe and South Afirca and Australia

e none

29. T/F Latin American countries are all periphery countries

30. T/F Periphery countries mainly export raw materials but now do some manufacturing